WW2 European Front (1944-1945) Part 3

WW2 European Front Part 3

This is my second article on WW2 you can see my first article if you haven't:- https://www.historywithirfan.xyz/2020/11/ww2-european-front-part-2.html

On the eastern front, the german 1st army was encircled by the Soviets and surrender after some days Hitler was shocked because of the soviets using its tactic. the german army retreat from the Caucasus. when the germans start getting pushed back. The soviets break the siege of Leningrad on January 27th which cost thousands of Soviet lives.

The Germans were now losing on all fronts and the dictator of Italy Mussolini was arrested and was out of power and the Italians were going for peace proposals with the allies so Hitler launched operation axis where they killed and disarmed many Italian divisions and soon after they capture Rome. the royal family and government fled to allied territory and then a Puppet Italian socialist republic was formed and Mussolini was appointed the dictator of the puppet state.

On June 6th, 1944 the allies launched operation overlord which was the allies operation of amphibious landings on Normandy which five beaches were selected Utah, Omaha where American landings will occur Gold and sword were the landings of British troops and french expeditionary troops, and Juno beach Canadian landings will occur all the landings were successful and with minimal casualties but in Omaha beach, the Americans had to fight for 4 bloody hours to get control of the beach. when the allies got control of all the beaches. The Germans counterattacked to get back control of the beaches. one day before the invasion on the night of 5th June 1944 the allies also launched operation Neptune where the allies paradrop on Normandy to get control of the bridges so the germans cannot send reinforcement so that the allies can have time to recover and get the supplies before the germans counter-attacked which was a success the german army was commanded by Field Marshall Erwin Rommel who is the same general that commanded the Afrika Korps and the allies army was commanded by Field Marshall Dwight.D Eisenhower.
On the eastern front, the Soviets launched Operation Bagration on June 23rd, 1944 the day after when the germans launched operation Barbarossa 3 years earlier. It was revenge for the German invasion of the soviet union. Which completely destroyed the army group center and the germans were getting pushed back and by the end of 1944 the Rumanian King Michael I make peace with the Soviets and agreed to all soviet demands and because of this, the Soviets put down a siege on Budapest before 1945 on 29th Dec which lasted for 50 days.

On the west, the allies launched the operation Dragoon on August 15th in southern France which was a success because the german mostly focusing on Normandy and Italy the allies landings was successful with the help of french resistance they opened another front for the axis which the Germans were not ready for fighting on another front because of their troops being really stretched out and were very exhausted.

10 days before Christmas eve the Germans launched their counteroffensive on Belgium where they try to trap the allied army like they did in 1940 during the invasion of France but the allies were much stronger and so the Germans doesn't achieve much ground and were pushed back after Christmas.

On the east, the Germans continue to lose ground to the Soviets and by April the Soviets were now at the gates of Berlin and On 20th April on Hitlers birthday general Zhukov give heavy bombardment on berlin and after 10 days Hitler committed suicide with his wife the battle of berlin continue for the 8 more days but on 8th April 1945 the red army placed their flag on Reichstag the german Alfred Jodl signed the surrender of German troops on that day the cease-fire continued for some days but after the battle of berlin the war came to an end on Europe and because of this the Soviets celebrate victory day on 9th April every year. Europe was split between the allies and the soviet union as per the Yalta conference Germany was spilt between allies and the soviet union. there were many Soviet satellite states which were Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and Czechoslovakia which imposed an iron curtain starting the cold war between the capitalist and communist.

Thanks for reading the article That's it for today's article it's the last ww2 article on the European front a new article will come this time the pacific theater of war. You can support us by donating on Patreon:- https://www.patreon.com/historywithirfan     
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