WW2 European Front Part 2 (1942-1943)  

WW2 European Front Part 2

This is my second article on WW2 you can see my first article if you haven't:- https://historywithirfan.blogspot.com/2020/11/ww2-european-front-part-1.html

After the soviets counterattacked the Germans were pushed back far from Moscow but Hitler still believe that he can capitulate the soviet union he started preparing for the summer offensive of 1942 but meanwhile, in Hawaii, the Japanese launched a surprise attack on pearl harbor 3 days later On December 10th Germany and Italy declared war on the USA bringing them in the war The Germans launched the summer offensive codenamed (Fall Blau) on June 28th. They caught the soviets off guard and quickly advanced towards the city of Stalingrad where they fight a bloody house to house fight By November the germans have 90% control of the city. Where the Army Group B was stationed along the Volga river to protect the Army Group A Flank while they advance towards the oil fields at the caucuses but they weren't able to capture Baku because of the range of the fighters Hitler believed that he can give a decisive blow to the Soviets if he captures Baku the capital of Soviet Azerbaijan. the 80% of soviet oil production comes from Baku and But Unfortunately for Hitler Stalin pass Order no 227 because Stalingrad has his name so he doesn't want Stalingrad to fall into Hitler's hand.

On the African Front General Erwin Rommel, the army was defeated at the battle of 2nd El Alamein Because of The overwhelming Allies forces where the Americans launched operation torch on 8th Nov and capture all of North Africa controlled by Vichy France which mark the end of North Africa campaign and The allies started to prepare for invading Sicily and German Occupied France.

And In November the Germans and Italians annexed Vichy because of its incapability to defend its colonies.

On the eastern front of the war, the Soviets attacked the army group center which known as the Battle of Rzhev where they failed to destroy the army group center and were counter-attacked by germans but fortunately for Hitler on the third battle of Kharkiv general Erich von Manstein counterattacked the soviets which is known as Manstein's Miracle.

Hitler knows that he cannot win a two-front so he planned to give a decisive blow to the soviets. But Unfortunately for Hitler, the German codes were already decrypted by the British and So The Allies Know about every german move so the allies launched Operation Husky (Allied invasion of Sicily) on the night of  9th-10th July Hitler canceled a major offensive at Kursk and drive some troops towards Italy. It took around 1 month to get control over Sicily and On the 5th of July when the Germans launched the attack on Kursk Hitler canceled because of the allied landings in Sicily and seeing this opportunity the Soviets launched their offensive on Kursk on the 12th of July where the germans were pushed backed and lost many troops and tanks which was very crucial for the Germans because they were running out of manpower because of the casualties they faced in the eastern front

Thanks for reading the article That's it for today's article ww2 article will be soon out
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