Biography of Napoleon Bonaparte

Early Life of Napoleon

Hello Everyone In today's article I'm going to tell you about another great conqueror in history. Napoleon Bonaparte was born in Corsica in 1769 just a year after France invaded Corsica and for Napoleon to born french but many Corsicans didn't like their new conquerors so napoleon has some anti-french sentiments from an early age onwards but his father quickly embraced the french customs which created some tensions between his dad and Napolean but the parents wanted the best for their family as they were very minor nobility. Napolean went to Paris to study in a military school he liked reading about great conquerors in history like Julius Caesar, Napoleon was good at maths and geography and when he graduated at the age of 16 he was a made a second lieutenant in an artillery regiment but napoleon was not content being a junior officer he wanted to rise the ranks but the France social hierarchy was too closed of jobs were handed out based on nobility, not talent.

The French Revolution

Napoleon Rapid Rise in Rank

Napoleon started to defend the revolution he defeated a British helped counter siege in Toulon which was a major port of France in the Meditteranean where he showed his innovativeness in artillery and force the British to leave Toulon but during that time Napoleon was charged by a British soldier who hit napoleon's thigh and came very close to ending napoleon's life which could have changed the whole history of Europe after that he caught the attention of Maximilien Robespierre Governments attention and was promoted to brigadier general at the age of just 24 he then put down a royalist uprising in Paris then he was given command of the army of the interior it was a astonishing progress for such a young man of humble origins but Napoleon also believed that he can increase his social status by marrying a richer old lady but if some sources were to be believed napoleon was very ugly but eventually he met Josephine who was a single aging mother who deeply in debt and need stability so she agreed to marry him despite finding him intensely disgusting.

War of the First Coalition (1792-1797)

First Italian Campaign

The war of the first coalition started in 1792 at first France struggled but then they started doing surprisingly well and in conquered territories, they started setting up sister republics like the Batavian Republic in the Netherlands, the Helvetic Republic in Switzerland, and many more. In 1796 France planned for a three-pronged attack on Austria to take Vienna and knock Austria out of the war with two magnificent armies in the north and napoleon in the south as a bit of diversion, this was the first time Napoleon was to lead a military campaign and to prove himself, to be someday and what a general, he proved to be the army he was given command of were lacking equipment, supplies and were underpaid but he increased the morale of his army by giving inspirational speeches and then he took them to Italy. there he was outnumbered but when the two armies in the north were being defeated by Archduke Charles, he made staggering progress in Italy he masterfully split his enemies into two and took them separately during the battle of Mondovi he defeated the Sardinians and knocked out the kingdom of Sardinia-piedmont in just 11 days after that the Austrians started retreating from northwest Italy when they were caught by Napoleon during the famous battle of Lodi where Napoleon was himself aiming the cannons, getting cover in mud and earning the total respect of his soldiers they respected him so much when Napoleon ordered an almost suicidal charge on the only bridge of the town his men threw themselves at it and took it despite fierce Austrian resistance after that he started plundering northern Italy and sending riches back to France to help its economy and paying his men the real money that they had seen in years. then he started approaching Vienna the exhausted Austrians were forced to make peace with him with napoleon overseeing the negotiations himself, the treaty of campo-formio was signed by the Austrians ceding Belgium and recognizing french control over the Rhineland and most of Italy, the Republic of Venice was partitioned between the Austrians and the french, but Great Britain and France remained at war because it was a treaty just between the Austrians and the French and a different treaty was to be signed for the whole holy roman empire. After that, he started creating new sister republics in the territories he has conquered and even writing constitutions and organizing governments himself, after he returned to France, he was hailed as a hero but the unpopular government was started to getting worried about Napoleon getting political more political and overthrow them.

The Egyptian Expedition

After some months of planning, Napoleon started the Egyptian expedition to undermine British trade in India and attack the British possessions with the help of local rulers such as the tipu sultan known as Tiger of Mysore who was an enemy of the British but his expedition failed because of Napoleon's fleet being destroyed by admiral nelson one of the greatest naval commanders of his time at the battle of the Nile and during the siege of acre he failed to capture the city and so Napoleon retreated and abandoned his man at Egypt and returned to France but one thing to consider was that napoleon was a skilled propagandist and published his own newspapers so when he returned to France, he was again hailed as a hero. but after that napoleon started to get power hungry ideas

French Consulate

After that, he was approached by a man named Emmanuel Joseph Sieyes, he wanted to stage a coup against the unpopular government and needed the help of extremely popular napoleon's help, the plan was to trap the government and voluntarily give up their power. They trapped the government in an isolated palace known as Chateau de Saint-Cloud outside Paris, with no one around but Napoleon and his army, and then he entered and a pretty chaotic event where nobody was sure what was going, but thankfully napoleons brother Lucien managed to regain control and the remaining councilmen were intimidated into creating a new constitution and so the consulate was formed where there were three consuls- Napoleon, Emmanuel, and Pierre- Roger Ducos but after napoleon rewrote the constitution there was only one consul the first consul napoleon and after few years he worked to gain more power and become the dictator of France. 

Thanks for reading the article That's it for today's article, the second part of this article will come out soon so till then bye.

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