Alexander the Great Biography

Hello Everyone I'm Irfan and it's been almost 1 year since I last uploaded so sorry for that In today's article I'm going to tell you about one of the greatest conquerors in history. Alexander the Great So Alexander III was born in 356 BC in Pella, Macedonia and he was crowned as king of Macedonia at the age of just 20 after his father Philip II was assassinated by a young Macedonian noble named Pausanias with a bitter injustice against the young queen's uncle Attalus and against Philip for denying him justice

 Alexander the great is best known for his war against the Persian empire or the Achaemenid empire and defeating their King Darius III in many battles and conquering all of Persian Empire in just 12 years he created a vast empire stretching from Greece to the Hindu kush mountains in present-day - Pakistan. So In 334 BC, Alexander the Great crossed the Hellespont with around 50,000 which included 48,100 infantry, 6,100 cavalry, a fleet of 1200
 with crews numbering 38,000. The men were drawn from Macedon and various Greek city-states, mercenaries, and feudally raised soldiers from Thrace, Paionia, and Illyria. then he invaded Asia minor which was a territory of the Achaemenid empire he started his campaign to conquer the Persian empire, After he crossed the Hellespont the first major battle of the Persian campaign was at the battle of Granicus where alexander the Great defeated the Persian satraps (governors) of Asia minor after that he started conquering Asia minor (modern-day turkey) the second major battle occurred was the battle of issus where alexander the great and Darius III first encountered each other it was a great victory for alexander where he defeated the Darius who was at least outnumbering him 2 to 1 with casualties numbering more than 20,000 for Darius, while alexander only lost 452 men and 5000 wounded.

After that the final battle between the two kings was at the battle of Gaugamela which was the greatest victory of alexander where alexander was heavily outnumbered where the Persians has around 50,000 to 120,000 men, alexander has only 47,000 but alexander came out victorious because of using superior tactics and the cleavage use of light infantry it was a decisive victory for alexander and which was the final blow to Achaemenid power and which led to the direct fall of Achaemenid empire and Darius III and the complete conquest of the Persian empire by Alexander the great the battle's casualties are very conflicting with some estimates around 300,000+ captured.

After that Alexander Conquered all of the Achaemenid empires in just 10 years after that he started expeditions into India in the battle of Hydaspes where king Porus tried to stop alexander invade his kingdom was defeated where alexander made a great move to cross the monsoon swollen river and flank the Indian is referred to as one of his masterpieces but it was the most costly battle fought by Alexander but he did not imprison porus or execute him but alexander made him a satrap (governor of his own land) for his bravery. and  In his short life of 32 years, he accomplished so many things nobody could think of,

But before he died he had also planned to invade Rome and Carthage but this never happened. his only son was imprisoned by one of his generals named Cassander as he was just born after Alexander died in Babylon and then his empire was quickly divided by his generals known as diadochi meaning successor states in greek, and the General who took control over Macedonia killed Alexander the Great's wife Roxana and his only son Alexander the IV his body was sent to Macedonia for burial but it was hijacked by one of his Generals, Ptolemy I who had taken control over Egypt known as Ptolemaic Egypt and was in a tomb in Alexandria for many years but gone missing but it was found in 1995 but it has not been confirmed yet. He was truly a legend who created one of the largest empires the world has ever seen, His Last Words were when you bury my body, don't build any momentum, and keep my hands outside so that the world knows that the person who won the whole world had nothing in his hand while dying, In 323 BC he died at the age of 32 in Babylon in present-day - Iraq.

Thanks for reading the article That's it for today's article, the battle of the midway article will come soon but before some more articles on biographies will come out so till then bye.

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